Childrens Museums Around the Country

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We love to visit children’s museums. Our kids always have so much fun and they actually get to learn while they’re exploring. Here are some of the top Childrens Museums around the Country. What’s your favorite one to visit? Got any great tips for our next visit? Let’s get our kids out there where they can have a ball and learn at the same time!

Childrens Museums around the country!

The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis

The Childrens Museum of Indianapolis

Recently, we had the opportunity to visit and discover the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis for ourselves. We got up close to dinosaurs, interacted with real scientists and even took a trip to Egypt.

My daughter summarized The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis best when she told me this:
Mom, this museum was not what I expected. It was actually a real museum – but for the whole family! There was alot of stuff that even the grownups could do. It had all the normal fun stuff like other museums we’ve been to, but there was so much other stuff! I liked how you could get into the exhibits – like in the dinosaur and train section.

Read our full review…

Cincinnati – Duke Energy Children’s Museum


Duke Energy Childrens Museum

Last weekend we took the kids to the Cincinnati Museum Center. Whether you are interested in climbing in the woods, playing on a farm, discovering what happens when you put balls in machines and turn the cranks, becoming the engineer on the waterways or experiencing life in a city just your size, the Duke Energy Children’s Museum can give you that opportunity. The Duke Energy Children’s Museum was a hit and is worth every minute we spent and more!

Read our full review here

Great Lakes Childrens Museum

If your crew is into bright colors, hands-on activities, and hours of variety and fun, then this is the place for you! The Great lakes Children’s Museum is located in Traverse City, Michigan, just two miles from booming downtown. During one particularly rainy day this September our family of five decided to venture there.

great lakes childrens museum 2

Read the full review here

What is your favorite children’s museum to visit? I’d love to hear your stories!

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  1. As many museums as I’ve been to, I have yet to go to a “children’s museum” per say. I really want to do the one in Indianapolis AND there is one in Boston that I never had the excuse to go to when I lived there (pre-kid days). You’ve just added two more to my list, thanks! 🙂

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