Paul Bunyan Logging Camp


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[tp-poi long=”-91.517901″ lat=”44.810422″ placeId=”ChIJ-yB0YyyW-IcRewMwRKW67aw” presentation=”h3″ durationQty=”2″ durationUnit=”h” props=”” url=”” duration=”2h”]Paul Bunyan Logging Camp Museum[/tp-poi]
Sometimes on road trips, you have the unique opportunity to connect favorite folk legends with reality. What makes these experience

s even better is when you learn something new plus meet an author who is telling the story of your favorite legend to a whole new generation. On our recent Midwest road trip, we were able to take a tour of the Paul Bunyan Logging Camp Museum and meet author Diane Peterson. What a fun day we had learning about the history of the logging industry in Wisconsin while having some fun with the legend of Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox!

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Paul Bunyan Logging Camp Museum

A visit to the Paul Bunyan Logging Camp Musuem began because we were curious abot the legend of Paul Bunyan, but we quickly discovered that the logging industry in the late 1800’s was an important part of our growth as a nation.

Paul Bunyan Logging Camp Museum

Real all about the Paul Bunyan Logging Camp Museum

1110 Half Moon Dr
Eau Claire, WI 54703
(715) 835-6200

Website | Facebook

The Logging Camp Museum is open to the public from May 1 – September 30.

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