Learning about Betsy Ross in Philadelphia


What do you know about Betsy Ross? Do you know where she lived? Any idea where she is buried? What is she famous for? On our recent trip to Philadelphia we toured the home of Betsy Ross, were able to talk to ‘her’ and learned some interesting things about our early American history. Learning about Betsy Ross is more fun when you’re standing in her home instead of just reading about it in a history book.


Learning about Betsy Ross in Philadelphia

The Betsy Ross home is open for tours in downtown historic Philadelphia. There is an admission charge to take the tour. The Betsy Ross House is located at 239 Arch Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – just a few blocks down from Independence National Park.

Betsy Ross is known as the seamstress who made the first official American Flag at the request of George Washington. On the tour you are able to see the house where she worked and lived. I love visiting places like this that have been preserved so we can experience history in a first hand way.


How do you prefer to learn about history? From the pages of a book or from someone who can tell you the unique backstory? During the tour, we visited “Betsy Ross” herself in her work room surrounded by the fabrics and the tools of her craft. She proceeded to show us how to make the 5 pointed star and tell us more about her Quaker roots.


Did you know that George Washington originally wanted to have 6 pointed stars on our American Flag? So why do we have stars with only 5 points? We have Betsy Ross to thank for that. She showed how it is easier to make a 5 pointed star with a few simple folds and a single snip. Click here to learn how to make a 5 pointed star in one snip.

Betsy Ross Burial Site

Betsy Ross had an important role to play in our American history. It is only fitting that she is buried in the same city where so much of our country was birthed. You can visit her grave site there on the site.


Have you ever visited the home of Betsy Ross? Do you enjoy touring places like this? What’s your favorite? I’d love to hear!

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